Genetec IP Security Software Solutions
Integrating software and hardware to serve the complex requirements of rolling stock and roadside surveillance, and building access controls can be challenging. High reliability, customization capability, expandability, support of specific key features for rolling stock applications and compliance with stringent government regulations are keys to the successful deployment of these complicated projects.
Working with a combination of Axiomtek’s extensive series of high quality industrial embedded controllers, and Genetec’s unified security platforms, you will have reliable transportation surveillance systems that are fully tested and easy to integrate and deploy.
Axiomtek’s comprehensive surveillance products are feature-rich and can be maintained and managed seamlessly by end-users. Along with rolling stock and roadside surveillance, Axiomtek’s embedded systems are also highly efficient when used for building access control applications.
As technology partners, Axiomtek and Genetec’s customers will benefit from robust, high performance, highly reliable embedded systems and panel PCs designed specifically for transportation operations. Our customers include mass transit authorities and systems integrators who have selected our combined solutions for surveillance security projects.
Axiomtek’s transportation product line, the tBOX series, comes with an array of expandable features that leverages several off-the-shelf I/O modules including Wi-Fi, 4G/3G, and GPS via its onboard PCI expansion bus. The tBOX series products offer dual front-loading pluggable drive bays featuring a SATA-3 interface that are fully supported by Omnicast, key features that help enhance convenience and ease of integration.
The Right Solutions for Surveillance Security Applications
Genetec’s Omnicast platform supports Axiomtek’s product key features extremely well, allowing for flawless and highly efficient surveillance operation control. Our solutions can consolidate reporting and transferring of images across many cameras in multiple playback windows. Axiomtek’s tBOX can receive video streams from more than twenty, 2 Mbits per camera in both continuous and motion recording mode. Users can view 5 simultaneous playback windows and live camera data remotely in Genetec Security Center. Offload feature allows for automatic transfer of video files without operational interruption. Real-time onboard camera access and systems management can be performed remotely and seamlessly.
Out-of-the-box user experience of our products is enriched by the well-tested integration between Omnicast and Intel technology incorporated in Axiomtek tBOX series product. Our partnership allows for a complete solution that is suitable for mobile surveillance applications, especially ones that require a robust scalable platform that can be deployed in a variety of networks.

The Axiomtek transit solution connects surveillance across rolling stock and stations to provide seamless surveillance of your system. Locally archived footage is automatically offloaded upon arrival, and can be accessed from the control center or by patrolling staff via Security Center Mobile.